May 21, 2024 - Overview of the FDA's Final Rule on Laboratory Tests - Virtual Town Hall

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An Overview of the FDA's Final Rule on Laboratory Tests - Virtual Town Hall

Date & Time
May 21, 2024 10:00 AM in 
With the release of the US FDA’s Final Rule claiming oversight authority over laboratory developed tests (LDTs), this Town Hall is built to help pathologists, residents, laboratory professionals and laboratory administrators understand and navigate this new regulatory landscape. An expert panel will decode the new ruling and answer your questions, including:
• What are the requirements in the final rule?
• What are the deadlines of upcoming requirements?
• What requirements apply to different types of tests and settings?
• What are FDA quality system requirements under the final rule?
• What could this mean for laboratories moving forward? The views expressed by faculty and panelists are their own and do not represent the views or opinions of their employers.
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