
Delaware State Licensing Requirements

State-Specific CLIA Applications

Delaware Public Health Laboratory Accreditations and Certifications, Public Health Division. Clinical Laboratories.

(1) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulates all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans in the U. S. through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). The objective of the CLIA program is to establish quality standards for all laboratory testing to ensure the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of patient test results regardless of where the test was performed.

Online Access to CLIA Certificates

CMS is now making CLIA certificates available online at no cost via the QCOR Lookup Tool.  All certificates generated after September 27, 2023 should be available for download.  Click HERE to access the Tool and choose “CLIA Laboratory Lookup” from the left menu bar (2nd option from the top).  When you click the entry for the laboratory, a box containing the laboratory information and a link to the certificate will pop up in a new window.