Rebecca Ross


  • Credentials:
    MLS (AMT)
  • Experience:
    I am a strategic, quality-driven leader in the clinical laboratory space. Leveraging my vast expertise in healthcare compliance and laboratory operations I act as a crucial SME on the ins and outs of complex medical testing technologies, processes, and regulations. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my ability to accelerate completion of deliverables while reducing costs and improving accuracy. Moreover, I establish systems and processes to help employees exceed expectations. My initiatives directly impact KPIs in every category. Highlights of my career include: - Partnered with Lab Corp and Mayo Clinic to test a new provider-facing domain interface. - Achieved zero findings on a 2-year CAP recertification inspection process at a hospital. - Taught multiple for-credit college courses at universities such as USC Aiken. The key to my success is my dedication to empowering people through training, leadership, and mentorship. Strong outcomes can only come from team members with the skills and resources to excel. Therefore, I go above and beyond to support professionals, from the newest medical technology student to the most experienced laboratory director.
  • States: