Bio-Rad 694 Liquid Assayed Multiqual, Level 1, Assayed, Liquid Human Serum Based Comprehensive Chemistry Control with 80 Analytes; Level 1 of 3 (12×3 mL)
Liquid Assayed Level 1 Multiqual is an assayed, liquid, human serum-based control that is intended to be a general chemistry control for testing serum chemistry analytes. This consolidated quality control provides a comprehensive set of more than 80 general chemistry analytes, designed to maximize testing efficiency for integrated and modular platforms in today’s modern core laboratory.
The control is available in two configurations, a standard vial and a compact vial with barcode. The compact vial is compatible with applicable automated platforms such as Siemens Dimension Vista and Abbott Alinity while the 2D barcode allows for quick and easy QC setup. The control is available in three levels. Multiple levels of a control allow monitoring of test system reliability.