NNLC Distributorship - Lab Profitability

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NNLC offers special pricing for consultants and your lab's Chemistry & Immunoassay supplies. Reagents, calibrators, controls, new and reconditioned instruments, installation/training, service, and more. We are technical consultants, supporting laboratories nationwide.

The Network is not a Traditional Distribution house. Our goal is to identify high spend areas within the laboratory and create cost structures that are impactful to laboratory profitability. This is accomplished between Network members, discussing pricing transparently, and setting prices that allow the end user to be successful.

Unlike traditional distribution models, the Network uses no fees for end users to access products. We let manufacturers set pricing with our consultant members, with the goal of keeping the costs down and allowing the consultant member to collect a commission on the products that move through the Network. Typically, in this system, we see discounts to the end user of over 20%. It is a win for all Network members!

What’s different about NNLC? The Network is a community of like-minded laboratory professionals. Our focus is to support independent consultants by:

1. creating an environment where consultants can share information with colleagues with privacy;

2. a space where consultants can find the resources they need to better assist the clients they serve;

3. actively assisting consultants in keeping costs down so that their clients will be more profitable!

Connect with us, learn how to cut costs in your clients' laboratories: https://calendly.com/david-gallo-hjmb

Email: david.gallo@laboratoryconsultants.org


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