Bhamini Patel

Consultant | Director of Moderately Complex Labs

  • Credentials:
    BS in Microbiology and Medical Technology
  • Experience:
    Bhamini Patel is known for her rich experience and skills in the world of clinical laboratories. She earned her bachelor's degrees in Microbiology and Medical Technology and is also a proud holder of Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belts from Villanova University. With these qualifications, Bhamini has made a significant mark in optimizing laboratory processes and ensuring top-notch quality. In her journey spanning over two decades, Bhamini has adorned various hats, from a Medical Technologist at Kaiser Permanente Hospital to an Independent Contractor, providing quality assurance consultation and facilitating laboratory accreditations. Bhamini’s skill in software and technical platforms is as exemplary as her laboratory expertise. Fluent in tools like Excel, MS Word, PowerPoint, and specialized software such as Orchard, LabDaq, and Cerner Classic, she embodies the fusion of traditional laboratory skills with modern technology. Bhamini isn’t just about professional achievements; she is equally passionate about exploring the world, culinary arts, and animal welfare. Traveling feeds her soul, while her love for cooking and baking brings joy to those around her. A dog lover at heart, Bhamini is actively involved in fostering animals, a testament to her compassionate and caring nature.
  • States: